A Guide to a Stand-out Story-driven Brand

The purpose of this blog is to help business owners and marketing professionals in organisations to drive their brand forward using story, and emotional connection and in turn build trust and connection with their ideal clients.

As a Photographer and Videographer with experience founded in documentary film, I share my knowledge, insights, top tips and the latest trends in creating an authentic, stand-out & story-driven brand.

Janine Sheen Janine Sheen

Why Story-Driven Videos and Photographs Are Essential for Promoting Your Business

Why Story-Driven Videos and Photographs Are Essential for Promoting Your Business.

In today’s fast-paced digital world, the need for compelling visual content to promote your business or brand is more critical than ever. Whether you’re running an event, launching a promotion, or simply maintaining your presence on social media, reaching for the best images and videos is a daily necessity.

As a photographer and filmmaker, I am passionate about beautiful, rich imagery and quality camera work. However, without an engaging story, even the most stunning visuals can fall flat. In a world where audiences are increasingly fickle, it’s crucial to layer your visuals with compelling narratives.


The Power of Visual Storytelling

Before the camera starts rolling or the shutter clicks, it’s essential to understand why each image is important. Will it resonate with your viewers? Good storytelling doesn’t always require a literal beginning, middle, and end. Sometimes, the most impactful stories are subtle yet powerful.


To create impactful photographs and videos, you need to grasp the story and message you’re conveying. Pretty images alone are not enough. Unless you’re in the business of selling pretty pictures, you must communicate deeper messages.

As Seth Godin aptly puts it, “Marketing is no longer about the stuff you make, but about the stories you tell.”

Key Questions to Answer

To tell a compelling story through visuals, answer these essential questions:

  • What problem does your product or service solve for your customer?

  • What transformation will your customer experience after engaging with your product or service?

Surprisingly, many businesses struggle to answer these questions convincingly. Everyone in the business should know and own this narrative. If you’re passionate about what you do, this will naturally shine through in a myriad of beautiful narrative threads.

Examples of Compelling Brand Stories

Consider these examples from my clients:

  • The Gentle Ophthalmologist: Not the scary doctor with a needle, but a kind, fatherly figure.

  • The Welcoming Boarding House: A place where your children extend their family network.

  • The Supportive Swimming Squad: Daily reminders that you #neverregretaswim.

  • The Joyful Voice Coach: Transforming fear of singing into joy and connection.

What sets your business apart from competitors? What makes you a better choice? Whether it’s the superior quality of your monkey bars or the unique bonding experience of your music program, your visual stories should highlight these unique selling points.

Consistency is Key

When planning a photography or videography shoot, consistency in visual appearance is crucial. A cohesive look says you take your business seriously and offer a premium service. But equally important is the story you’re telling through your visuals.

Why This Really Matters

A collection of good-looking visuals alone is not enough. They must be crafted around your brand and key messages. What do you want potential clients to remember about your brand? What feelings do you want to evoke? People are quick to form first impressions and can easily spot inconsistencies. For instance, a website with a mix of old professional photos, stock images, and amateur snaps can create a disjointed and unprofessional impression.

As Seth Godin says, “Great stories are trusted. Trust is the scarcest resource we’ve got left. No one trusts anyone.” By planning your stories and corresponding visuals, you create content that is genuinely useful and trustworthy.

Too many businesses neglect this aspect, resulting in poorly executed marketing with visuals that don’t align with their brand message. Inconsistent imagery can make your business appear less reliable and less appealing compared to competitors.

If you can’t afford a professional photographer yet (even if you are creating videos and photographs in-house), understanding and answering these essential questions is still crucial:

  • Who is your audience/customer?

  • What is your business’s unique selling proposition?

  • What problem do you solve for your customers?

  • What transformation will your customer experience?

Without clear answers, your visual content will lack direction and impact, even if produced by a professional.


Taking Action: Practical Steps

Here are some steps to start integrating story-driven visuals into your marketing:

  1. Identify Key Moments: Jot down moments that make a difference to your customers. These are interesting, impactful stories worth sharing. Think about what you would tell your friends over dinner and see their eyes light up with interest.

  2. Show Behind the Scenes: Take your audience on an insider’s journey into your warehouse or production process, highlighting ethical practices and community impact.

  3. Hero Stories: Share stories of transformation, like a volunteer finding purpose or a young person enjoying a reef-friendly sunscreen (despite initial reluctance) who comes from a family with a history of skin cancer.

  4. Personal Anecdotes: Use real stories from customers and staff that evoke the desired emotions associated with your brand.

  5. Community and Social Responsibility: Highlight connections with local communities, charities you support, or other socially responsible initiatives.

Knowing your audience and speaking directly to them builds trust and encourages repeat engagement.


Bringing Your Vision to Life

With careful planning and a deep understanding of what your business offers, working with a professional photographer can bring your vision to life. This collaboration will produce a collection of visually consistent photos and videos with a long shelf life, reinforcing your brand’s values. Remember if you are ‘doing it yourself’ and creating video and photography in-house, it’s also critical to fully understand the key story beats of your brand. Trends will fade and change, but something genuine and authentic that resonates with your audience will remain.

When you work with me, we take the time to define the stories that matter, providing a collection of visuals that truly speak to the value you offer.

Get in touch to start crafting your brand’s story today.



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