Story-driven Video

Story-driven videos can show how experiencing your brand will offer a transformation to your ideal client.

The story-driven video will provide a narrative that quickly explains the key benefits of your product or service, through emotive camera work, editing, characters and concepts.

Video can bring what you do to life, and can educate your audience quickly.

Video ads have a 30% higher audience reach than image ads, and viewers retain 95% of a video’s message compared to 10% when reading the text.

Videos are much more memorable since people are more likely to recall a story than a list of facts, and they are more engaging, build consumer trust & brand recall, and can educate your audience quickly.

If you haven’t yet embraced quality video in your marketing campaigns, then you risk being left behind.

Story-driven Video - from $949/minute

The narrative and content in your customised video/s are carefully crafted with you via a questionnaire and meeting (online or in-person). As the scope of each video is vastly different, it’s a strategic process to map out the best approach to produce an impact story-driven video for your promotions.


  1. Questionaire about the proposed video project.

  2. Production Meeting (in-person or online/phone)

  3. Quote & Contract is emailed to you.

  4. Video Brief and Shooting Schedule is emailed to you.

  5. Video is filmed, which can include Interviews, Action Footage and overlay footage

  6. Video is edited, including a colour grade, royalty-free music and audio edit.

  7. A rough-cut viewing is made available before the final edited version.

  8. Final Video is delivered via a high-speed platform to you.

The final video can be edited into shorter repurposed videos of varying lengths of 15/30/60 seconds for multiple uses. Usually, customised Story-Driven Videos involve interviews, and incur the costs of transcribing audio, and time in editing dialogue. If your project is more effective with no dialogue, and only visuals, then consider a Video Reel.